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Look Book (Fashion Around the World)
My Style Feature:
Donating to your local consignments, to getting rid of your old clothes stuck in your closet. Spring Cleaning to re invent yourself and re invent your wardrobe. Simply simple. Donating or passing the clothes along family, or friends; some ones trash to treasure. 

Check out Japanese Fashion Culture; Fashion Trends from AbroadHarijuku girls
Gothic lolitas
Kegadoru: Bandage Fashion
Gothic Lolitas
Harijuku girls
ganguru/ yamambas fashion
Kegadoru Bandage Fashion
They look as if they are seriously injured, but they're not. These women aren't seeking medical attention, they are dressed in this way to attract men with this fetish style known as Kegadoru, which translates to 'Injured Idols'. Young Japanese girls seductively cover their bodies in bandages, with head-wraps and eye patches on the streets of Akihabara where they regularly receive compliments from men about how cute they look. White bandages represent virginity and chastity while black bandages represent wickedness. Black Lolita photo © kalandrakas under CC license. Gothic Lolita photo © Chris 73 under CC license. Photo of Ganguro Girls © secretagentmoof under CC license. Photo of Yamanba Girls © rayn syboldunder CC license.
My Next Ventures:
MSU East Lansing, Sisters Graduation
Las Vegas, NV -Sisters graduation get away
Next Project:
Recreating these caps for a special event...
Breathless Collection: My hand beaded jewelry -soon to have photo shoot (pending)
Song of the Day:Get Back-Ludacris
I found these..and abs had to get them :))
Nos Vemos Fashionistas!