Look Book. NU- Fashion Around the World
Style Feature:Dropping below the 20's- Fall 2010
The holidays are coming and the temperatures are falling. Going below the 20's* means layering up and creating color combination that will interest the layered soul.
Layering up this fall season to create color combination that interest the eye and keep the creativity flowing.
Starting A MSU Fashion Club
Creating Tees for the Homies Giving Event @ MSU donated *
Express yourself:
So I celebrated my birthday in Michigan with family and got tons of emails, texts, calls, and FB messeges from great friends and family <3 I am so blessed to have love and health <3
Today is a day where I miss him the most- and it seemed like fate as the rain fell through out the day reminding me that there will always be little ways he shows he is watching down on me.
The rain pouring down and showing his love. * RIP Arturo Gonzalez Jr. April 26, 2009*
Upcoming Events:
MSU Homies Giving: a warm meal for college students not able to go home for thanksgiving started by MSU camp alumni Felipe Lopez from Donna, TX and Michigan
SOCK DRIVE- GOT Socks? Donate socks this winter for families of the MSU Family Resource Center - Check out www.rcah.msu.edu for more info
Calling all Artistas! 300 Grand Prize- To represent this year's conference theme:
Building the future with your Voice and Action
MSU Dia De La Mujer Annual Conference- March 19, 2011
for more info: www.ddlm.ocat.msu.edu
Cancion Del Dia:
Jar of Hearts- christina perri
Nos Vemos Fashionistas!