Live it up...
vintage expressive tees
Leggings with chucks
black panty hose with short cuff mini's
Fashion Around the World!
Live it up!
My Style Feature: Big No No's
These are the little things we are all guilty of. Those shoes we feel so comfortable in or those cute character shirts. When will we able to say No. I am very guilty of this because I find myself going towards items sometimes because I like it or because I want to and sometimes it is just a Big NO NO.
Some of the styles that i can come up with that I know many are guilty of and I am too: UGGS.
Some people love them, others hate them. I abs. love them but sometimes what we were them with is a def. NO-NO.
My next one that many love that is a No-No but a guilty pleasure: Crocs
Many are guilty of this trend because they were easy to wear comfortable but really these colors?
Next one is the Characters for age appropriate adults. I know we love mickey, tweety, and all the disney characters but there has to be a restrain from wearing these items outside of disney land or vacation time. These should not be used for stylish clothes.These are just a couple that I wanted to point out for my stye feature of the day. We sometimes feel that there are certain items that we hold true to or hold on to because of comfort but becarefull not to over use these items in inappropriate settings.
My pick of the day
check out Singer22
For more styles and trends
Siwy Denim Cut off Shorts
(you can make these short mini's at home)
Check out Siwy Denim Website
Style Watch: Minimal tie Dye on Shorts, Shirts, dresses for Spring 2010.
Our World-Our Part
Adopt a pet Near you: They are need of homes & Love check a animal shelter near u.
Love Animals: I heart Dogs! (love my punky n coco)
This was when coco was itty bitty
My High lights of Long Beach, CA
Seeing Sea Lions up close on a boat (Long Beach CA)
Driving the Boat
over 250 beers! Long Beach CA
& Seeing Universal Studios in Hollywood, Los Angeles CA
My Song of the Day: Hey Soul Sister- Train
Tip of the Day:
Accessorize your spring 2010 Looks with bracelets, necklaces, shades, ear rings but
most importantly go vintage with unique items that express you and only you.
- Explore Consignment Stores
- Thrift Shops/ Re-use Recycled Items
- Flea Markets
- Markets/ Antiques
- Yard Sales
- Garage Sales
- Goodwill's
- Volunteer of Americas
- check for places
Your Part- Your World
Nos Vemos Fashionistas
Long Beach, CA (Beach Adventure)